Why is your DoorDash driver not moving? It’s a question you might ask yourself if you place an order and find your driver is in one place and hasn’t moved in a while.
When you place an order on DoorDash, you can see where your delivery driver is from the moment they accept your order to when they pick up your order and deliver it. On rare occasions, you might see your driver sitting in one spot on the map, not moving at all.
In this post, we’ll look at the main reasons why your DoorDash driver is not moving. Here are the reasons, in no particular order.
Your DoorDash Driver Is Waiting For A Stacked Order
The most common reason your DoorDash driver might be in one spot for a while is that they are waiting to pick up another DoorDash order. To improve efficiency, DoorDash often stacks multiple orders with one driver. That means your driver may be assigned your order, then also be assigned another order along the way.
Ideally, the new order would be ready as soon as the driver arrives, but unfortunately, some restaurants can be slower than others. So, if you see your driver in one spot for a while, they could be waiting for the restaurant to prepare the other customer’s order.
If your driver has a stacked order, the DoorDash app should tell you so you know what your driver is doing.
Your DoorDash Driver Is Multi-Apping
Another common reason your DoorDash driver might not be moving is that they are multi-apping. Multi-apping is the practice of working for multiple delivery apps at the same time. As a driver, you can dramatically improve your earnings by accepting orders from multiple delivery apps, rather than just relying on DoorDash.
In an ideal situation, multi-apping doesn’t impact the delivery experience for the customer so long as the restaurants are preparing orders on time. Problems can arise when restaurants are busy or slow. In that case, a driver that is already delivering a DoorDash order can find themselves waiting at a restaurant for another order from Uber Eats or Grubhub.
The DoorDash App Is Glitching
Finally, it’s also possible that the DoorDash app is glitching and your driver is actually moving, but the app isn’t updating. The DoorDash app is known for crashing every once in a while, so if you see your driver sitting in one spot for a while, it’s very possible that the app has glitched.
What Your Driver Probably Isn’t Doing
There are people who jump to worst case scenarios when they see that their driver isn’t moving for a while. Most of the time, though, the things they think drivers are doing isn’t what they are doing.
Here are some things your driver probably isn’t doing.
Eating Your Food. While there are reports of DoorDash drivers eating the customer’s food, the vast majority of drivers do not do this. Most people are simply not going to stoop to that level. That isn’t to say it’s not possible, but you have to believe that most people aren’t that low-class to eat your food while they’re delivering it.
Taking A Nap. I’ve seen some sources suggest that drivers are taking a nap if they aren’t moving for a while. This is simply ridiculous and is likely not happening. There’s not much more I have to say about that. Is it possible they’re napping? Sure. But is it likely? No, it’s not.
Doing Something Else Nefarious. Finally, whatever you think is happening, your driver likely isn’t doing some nefarious. Most likely, they are stuck in traffic. Or maybe they are having vehicle issues. Or they might be picking up a stacked order or a multi-app order. Unless the food is extremely late, don’t worry about it.
What Should You Do If Your DoorDash Driver Is Not Moving?
It can be understandable to be upset if you see your DoorDash driver not moving for a while. If the food is extremely late, then you can be upset. But most of the time, your order is probably still going to arrive in the expected time frame that was given to you.
If you have been waiting for a long time, you can contact DoorDash support and ask them to cancel your order and give you a refund. In some cases, you may be able to get DoorDash credits as reimbursement for the delay.
If you want, you can message the driver to see what is happening. But be aware that most drivers don’t appreciate being hassled by customers like this (I know I don’t).
Final Thoughts
There are many reasons why your DoorDash driver isn’t moving. Most likely, it’s going to be because they’re waiting for another order to be ready – either because they picked up a stacked order or they’re multi-apping.
Either way, so long as your order is within the expected time window, you shouldn’t have much reason to complain. Let your driver work – that’s my advice.
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