DoorDash headquarters are located in San Francisco, California. Founded in 2013, today, DoorDash is the largest food delivery app in the United States, with a market share over 50%.
With such a large presence throughout the United States, it’s no surprise that some people may be looking for more information about where the DoorDash headquarters are, as well as other important contact information.
In this post, we’ll give you all the information you need if you are looking for the DoorDash Headquarters address, phone numbers, and emails.
DoorDash Headquarters Address
Here’s the official mailing address for DoorDash headquarters:
DoorDash, Inc.
303 2nd St, Suite 800
San Francisco, CA 94107
The building is located in the Rincon Hill neighborhood of San Francisco, not far from the Embarcadero.
DoorDash is one of the largest tech companies in the world, so they also have local offices throughout the United States and in several countries around the world. The address here is the official DoorDash headquarters mailing address in the United States.
DoorDash Customer Service And Support
If you’re a customer and are looking for customer service and support from DoorDash, you’ll instead want to visit the DoorDash website or try to get in touch with them through their customer service phone number.
There are only a few reasons you’d need to send anything to the official DoorDash headquarters. In their terms of service, DoorDash makes clear that arbitration demands and copyright infringement claims must be sent to the official DoorDash mailing address. If you have an issue with any of these two things, you’ll want to send a certified letter to DoorDash headquarters.
If you feel you were unfairly deactivated, it can also make sense to consider sending a certified letter to DoorDash headquarters explaining your side of the story. This can sometimes help to get your account reinstated, especially if you have it sent by an attorney. It’s not a guarantee by any means, but it’s worth a shot if you’ve tried everything else and are out of options.
That being said, in general, the best way to get assistance from DoorDash is to get in touch with their customer service department. If you have an issue with an active delivery, you can get assistance in the DoorDash app. It’s fairly straightforward and you should be able to cancel an order or get a refund or credits if warranted.
You can also visit the DoorDash customer support website to get assistance from DoorDash, whether you are a customer, Dasher, or merchant. Here’s the DoorDash customer support website.
DoorDash Email Address
For less pressing issues, you can get in touch with DoorDash customer service via their Twitter account. You can find the DoorDash Twitter account by tweeting @DoorDash_Help.
Finally, depending on the issue you’re having, you may need to get in touch with DoorDash via phone or email. The DoorDash support email is
To get in touch with DoorDash by phone, you can call them at their official customer service number at +1 (855) 973-1040.
In short, there are a lot of ways to get in touch with DoorDash if you need it. Find the option that works best for you. I’d recommend prioritizing getting support via the app and email/Twitter before calling since most things can be easily addressed in the app.
Final Thoughts
DoorDash is a big tech company that does most of its activity via the DoorDash app, but fortunately, they do provide a lot of different ways to get in touch with them.
Hopefully, this information can point you in the right direction if you’re trying to get in touch with someone at DoorDash. I’d start with the app or their customer service website. if you have issues there, getting in touch via Twitter can often help. If you still are having issues, giving them a call via their customer service phone number is a good last step.
Hi. Something needs to be done about some of these door dash drivers. They have a group on Facebook and you should see some of the things being posted its disgusting. Something needs to be done or be prepared to get sued. They especially mistreat the customers that don’t tip. Do something about your drivers or be prepared for a class action lawsuit.
I agree… They steal from the merchant as well… I am in?!!
I hate doordash they are complete idiots ran on so that is bad software
Some of you people shouldn’t be asking for doordash if you can’t tip it’s absolutely insane as a driver we have to wait sometimes 20 minutes 30 minutes to get your food then we go drive to your home and believe me when I tell you doordash doesn’t pay good if you’re doing it by the order it’s like $2 every 4 or 5 MI if that and people don’t tip that’s disgusting!!! If you can’t afford it don’t get it!!!
You got that right the drivers either cannot read or do not speak english, don’t deliver the whole order. every time I place an order there seems to be an issue or the order never shows up yet i have paid and even gave an extra tip when placing the order when you call customer service they hardly speak english and I feel like I am speaking with a digital answering machine. I asked the customer service tonite where was my order delivered to as my husband never received the order did the driver eat it? disgusting customer service and driver service. I threatened to call the police on door dash because i paid up front for an order and they were at first denying to refund me. they could tell me where order was or to whom they delivered it to. they need to be reported to Better Business Bureau
I order door dash and the driver never deliver to me I put in the notes for them to call me when they arrive but that was never done. He took a picture of some drop off that I am not familiar with I tried calling customer service several times, but it was like talking to children I take that back some children are more professional than these door dash customer’s service. it really hurts when you work hard for your money, and you pay for a service and the company does not stand behind their name. I will never deal with door dash again and I will tell everyone I know to use someone else because door dash lied they told me my money was refunded I never received it.
I was a platinum driver and yesterday I was deactivated because I was given 2 orders at Popeyes chicken 1707 Cherry Street Toledo Ohio but they were closed by the Toledo health department and I followed protocol and Door dash cancelled the orders and I had numerous orders that were already picked up by another driver and customer service cancelled them thus I was deactivated for excessive cancellations I appealed but they upheld the deactivation and I have to wait 90 days to file a new appeal but I’m going to have my lawyer suing them for lost wages because they already cost me a stolen car and because I was doing door dash my insurance wouldn’t cover the loss and I have weekly payday loans to cover with no funds to cover them the upper management of door dash needs to be responsible for their actions so none of this was my fault
Hi , My name Is Kami I have been a faithful driver of door dash for a good while now and was in Platinum status with top rankins as of yesterday around 6pm when I learned my acct was diactivivated for Red card abuse. yesterday I had a order to target for some expensive headphones I paid using my red card the total bill was 140.71 I was told on the diactive screen I was terminated for red card abuse . I called into support to ask a simple question on why the customer was only giving me a 5.00 tip when door dash only paid 140.71 for the equipment . At that present time the support rep proceeded after I had paid for the order to cancel the run leaving me with the expensive equipment that I don’t need . I filled out a report to fight yall and got told it will take 7 to 10 business days before I would even know one thing on my job. I offered to return the equipment to target and got told not to Now I afraid it would be a thieft charge on me and all because I was in route to the customer house for delivery of the product. This has left me completely out of work where I can’t pay my bills like my rent. electric bill , etc. I am a single parent and if I can’t pay my bills what am I going to do. I called and spoke to support again this morning I asked to speak to management and get told No I have Rights and I was wrongfully terminated,
I feel what you are going through I was deactivated for excessive cancellations but we are not the ones to cancel but customer service is I also was platinum status and I fully intend to file a lawsuit
Contact legal aid you may have a case against Door Dash. Legal aid is free and they will help you
Buyers Beware of this company & its business practices. My spouse & I had used to app several months ago & since then he has had over 20 transactions applied to his credit card. Upon contacting the company several times, we were told ” THEY COULD NOT FIND THE NUMERIOUS TRANACTIONS.” They refused to investigate & they are willing to lose us a costumers at this point.
Hello sir, I just wanted to inform you that I’ve been dashing for your company for 2+ years and my completion rate being at 86 percent got me deactivated. Your policy doesn’t do anything for people in my area. The amount of fake pizza orders I’ve received the number of wrong addresses and the number of customers reporting lies about not getting their orders. I can understand if you did this to someone that just signed up but ive been dashing for 2+ years not complaining even tho some orders I didn’t get paid out or the calculation of me being top dasher 4 months then y’all finding someone way possible to not put me back and conveniently at the end of the same month I get deactivated. I feel like this has been a personal attack I have screenshots of me meeting the qualifications for top dasher. I even have pics of the places I felt people were going to lie about their order. This is not okay. This is not fair. This is bullying. This is very disrespectful. I feel discriminated and I won’t let this be the end of it. I’ve bit my tongue and kept everything from every interaction with your people sitting behind the desk thinking they know what they are talking about. Come to my neck of the woods. Come over here to the hood where people get shot and killed every single day. You think this is a joke. This is my livelihood and your just spitting right in my face. This is how you treat people that have done 4000+ orders huh. To make sure you don’t have to give them any incentives. Which is crazy because y’all are just in a lawsuit about this and yet y’all are doing it. You want the fastest way for people to drive with someone else then your on the right path. But I’m not going let this settle I’ve already contacted a lawyer who will be reaching out with a list of demands. I’ve had three cars break down because of door dash. All three of which can no longer be used. I drove those cars to their last leg for your company all for it to not matter. I know it wasn’t your personally but you are the CEO. So your allowing your people to run business like this. That’s not how your handle business. Y’all have just in two days made me miss out on good money. Thursday -Sunday are my favorite it’s not consistent. But now y’all are hitting it for 3 months. That’s over 4000 Dollars I will be missing out. Maybe even more than that so I know for a fact I got a case. This is very unprofessional and I feel bullied and taken advantage of. Tried to solve this before court but now with what I was told I can get y’all for so much more because of how disrespectful your support team has been. And how they talk to me which makes it also seem personal when I haven’t even met y’all. I tried to solve this but no response from your office so it will be taken further
I ordered food for my grandchildren and gave his mobile phone no. I ask the driver to call or text my grandson so he could come out and meet him. He sent a text that the order was delivered . My grandson called him and said “we not get the order”
The driver responded by saying i sent you a picture and that was the address his GPS sent him to ……. I contacted Door Dash and explained what happened and I need a refund….MY REFUND WAS DECLINED! MY REQUEST FOR A RE-ORDER WAS DECLNED……
I’m in a wheel chair and driver left order at different building in complex. Called DOORDASH, they will
make sure he doesn’t get my Walgreens orders in the future. He also didn’t e mail that the order was delivered.
Hi. My pay has gone down lately. I’ve been tracking my deliveries, and I don’t understand why. I believe I got an unfair pay and I did complain to DD support but nothing happened, my problem started from the day that I got deactivated with no reason. I’m almost at the customer hotel and then my screen turned white. I had called DD support for help, DD support told me that I have been deactivated and the dispatcher called customer and said I disappeared with his food. After DD has investigated they found out that I didn’t do anything wrong. A second incident, I’m at a customer house ( just got there and I didn’t drop a food yet) I got a message from customer asked me ” Where are you ? ” I said ” I’m at your house ” he said ” ok I saw you wait for me ” I said ” ok ” and he sent a young man to picked up a food a customer house, later that day I got a contract violation message from DD that said ” customer didn’t receive a food” . So I expanded everything to DD support and I also asked DD support ” If he is not a real customer how did he get a number to chat with me” The funny thing is my contract violation message just disappeared from my screen right away, normally I have to complete 100 deliveries to make the message disappeare . I believe that DD company has to replace orders for 2 customers that was wasted company money and waste customers times. I think someone has made some changes to the thing you call SYSTEM. And I also believe I’m not the only one who has this kind of experience. And chat agents keep said the SYSTEM did that. If SYSTEM ( AI ) know how to sabotage dashers, it is dangerous to a company . So please investigate the problem, you’re not only help me but also help other dashers too.
This is happening to me too as a Dasher in the last 2 weeks. Very jealous people colluding with techs are manipulating the system, I caught people following me, they’re bribing customers to give me false rating on top of lying that they didn’t get their order twice.
I was looking to post on the same or a similar situation that is happening to me!
I noticed several weeks ago if I get an order that is over $12.00, even as much as 25 cents, I have a 100% chance of that order disappearing of my payouts and of course, when I call in to complain and I have done so lots of time, I am told either, I did not deliver the order, or I am mistaken and that the number of orders I write down cannot be correct. I need to take a screen shot of each order and its’ completion. Problem? The orders sometime appear and then disappear so quickly who has time to do a screen shot. Also, I am 100% sure that my account has been hacked not only by outside hackers, but people who I know who encouraged me to become a dasher.
I cannot believe that this company, making so much money, does not care to put an alert so that the company and the person who’s account is being hacked and money is being stolen, are aware of the intrusion. Just imagine how much money the company would make with this 1 good will gesture?
Blows my mind! Btw…anyone else having trouble with money disappearing from their payouts before the payout is put into your bank or on your card? If so, perhaps we should lobby the company to create a safer cyber atmosphere so that good , honest people can honestly earn so pocket change.
Another thing, anybody have the feeling that someone else if controlling which orders they get, so that you end up with mostly 4-6 dollar orders every time you dash?
If enough people got together to sue they are wrong fully using peopleclass action law suit
Yes I’m having the same issue to where someone farted our account call and say they was doordash doordash put a hold on our bank account and now we’re not even receiving any more of our payments until recently can someone give me feedback onto a corporate number or attorney
looks like that is where they are heading. I helped a tax company, and they had way too many complaints as well. When a company has their workers taking complaints but are helpless to help the complainers, that is a sign that the company is hiding behind their customer service and not putting an effort to fix the situation.
Hi ooooo hell yes & I also think the S team (my A..) can mess with your Ratings because my keep dropping!!! & the other night I was scheduled to dash from 2a til 4a DD had proms 4.50 for each delivery I accepted an order at 1:50 a it was for 2 orders I dropped both orders off and NEVER GOT ANY MORE!!! I keep hitting I’m not get any delivery on DD ST well they said good to the HOT SPOT! I WAS SITTING IN PARKING LOT OF ONE OF THEM & THE OTHER HOT SPOT I WAS 100 FEET AWAY FROM IT! It’s BS so I finally went to town below where I was at before because there was same hot spot there also but I NEVER DID GET ANYMORE ORDERS so I drive over 20 miles ONE WAY to get 2 orders at once made 8 dollars for 2 hours and it had started snowing so I finally sad FU.. IT and drove home very slowly. I think I don’t get many orders because I hit pay by the hour ALOT because some of these tight A.. customer DON’T TIP S..T I asked DD why do they take the orders that DOESN’T PAY ANYTHING well they don’t have an answer for that EVERYTHING ELSE BUT NOT THAT
Not only is that an issue, your personal account can easily get compromised with door dash and they have nothing on place to assist in preventing fraud. They are not trying to because evidently it cuts into their profits. I personally don’t use their services but others unauthorized have at my expense.
They ripped me off my paycheck and erased my history this is enternal
I received a contract violation for customer not receiving his food but I handed it to the person who answered the door address was wrong was the neighbors house since then they had to tell me the name on the order or always took pictures of the food at the door but I was deactivated for excessive cancellations yesterday as a platinum driver but my 2 orders at Popeyes chicken had to be cancelled because the health department closed them down and I sent a photo of the closed store but they deactivated my account anyway and upheld the deactivation on an appeal in just an hour and I have to wait 90 days to refile an appeal so now my credit will be destroyed but I am suing them come tomorrow morning
I just had my Dashers accounts deactivated because I verbally threaten somebody. The person that I did that to was bullying me, and instead of DoorDash reaching out to me and get my side of the story, they just disactivated my account. How is it fair that I could be bullied through their app for standing up for myself.
Sorry to hear about that, however if you have to jump right to threatening merchant’s or customer’s, doordash seems like they have a 0 tolerance for things like that, I was red flagged over telling a deceitful customer that karma was going to come for them! I have some experience with violence while dashing only thing I can think is to stop b4 the delivery and call doordash immediately and let them know what is going on, and make the delivery in the best way possible, set a place to leave it or ?? But us as dashers are going to have to think before we go out there and have some composure.
After thinking about the incident I should have let it go and there is no excuse to my actions.
Can someone help me out and tell me what to do…. I am a customer I logged on my account and put a 50 dollar gift card on the app and didn’t use it. I went back on later that night and they deactivated my account so I called they said and even emailed me 3x saying sorry it was there fault my account will be activated in 72 hrs that was a month and a half ago and I have been calling constantly and just getting same bs. Now it’s not about that 50 bucks it’s just the point that they get away with doing this. All I want is the money back from the gift card I don’t care about my account I will never use them again. Honestly that like fraud and theft on there part. What do I do?
I ordered ONE time from Doordash and they’ve been charging me $9.99 a month ever since! I’m a disabled senior citizen who is extremely ill with no family! How did you successfully get them to deactivate you, bc I desperately need that, yet nobody there cares or will even listen. Please help me to put an end to this! Thank you, Alexx Rose 🌹
dear senior citizen, what hapoened tovtou was you were offered a trial period of the “dash pass” thisbpass allows youvadded deliveries at no cost faster delivers and more mervhants to chiose from i n your area with priority given to you. this pass is given out for free initally and then chathed 9.99 per month until you cancel the dash pass in app. hope that helps
I have used Door Dash for a number of years now and have always had good service from them UNTIL the last 6 months or so. Just in the last 3 days they have screwed up my orders. They are quick to give you a 10.00 credit but what good does that do if you can’t even get your order. It is beyond frustrating and am just about to say good bye to Door Dash. There are others out there looking for the business. You need to get your act together Door Dash before you wind up bankrupt. People are getting FED UP
I used to drive for them and I decided to order a few nights ago and the Daser delivered the wrong food from a different restaurant. I’ve been trying to find a way to contact someone other then the support desk which is giving me the same script answer !! I’m so frustrated that know I want my Jimmy order to be refunded, I want some compensation for my time and frustration!
You can’t threaten a customer. Suppose you worked in a department store or supermarket etc. You have the option of ignoring a person no matter how hard it is. You can apologize for any inconvenience or issues with the order and do what you can Ito fix it. THAT is good customer service. You can’t control people but you can control YOU.
Send a certified letter to door dash headquarters. Address
393 2nd St suite 800
San Francisco CA 94107
Law suit time lol
I agree, today I got my order opened coffee cup lid off and half my drink spilled and all over my food. And only got a partial refund. I order at least three times or more. But I agree it’s time to change companies.
I understand the frustration everyone has with doordash. I my self despises doordash. I’ve ask and even demanded them to remove my email because I’ve never subscribed to them. To me they are a pain in the ass. I get their advertisement at least 5 times or more in one day. To me that’s a little too much. As far as I’m concern they can take their company an put it where the sun doesn’t shine.
Yeah Ralph, I totally agree I have been at the brunt end of their Dashers way too many times, then I asked for them to deactivated my account and they did, but I went back today to reactivate with my other credentials, which are ligit and true but they waited until I made the order I thought I was gonna get only to be given a message saying we have to review your account will only take 5 mins after 5 mins the screen went away I found it and it said the same thing. I called and ask what the deal was? After 17 mins of speaking to a Rep who stopped talking, so she did not complete the call so they had no answer I call again and still was not given an answer and was told they will reach out to me, They did and then stated an untruth on my name and character saying it was deactivated due to activities that go against their terms and conditions what a LIE! First I am the one who ask them to deactivate my account and to close it, because I have had enough then for them to be un forth coming was a blow ! and only revealed their true colors they simply seem to not give a damn. I spoke with someone else again! About this and she said she can absolutely verifiy that, the comment and email sent to me case number blah blah blah was incorrect and that I was the one who requested the deactivation then while I was talking the survey came on I took the survey and hung up! Sent them another email stating I need that in writing so all this for nothing, when the truth on my name! And letting me reactivate under my ligit and legal information was all they had to do to keep a frequent customer, but I think this is it for Door Dash and I will be contacting Corporate this world is a trip, or should I say some of the entities in it. Come On People Where Is The HUWA! (love)
Hi. Just wondering if you were ever able to reach someone at Corporate? I have the office address at 303 2nd Street, Ste. 800, San Francisco. The phone is listed as
(650) 681-9470 which goes back to the Philippines which (as you know) is a waste of breath. I called the building management company to verify Door Dash was still at that address. They are but he would not give me the number. He took my number to pass on. We’ll see if they call me back. This was initially just a question of the $48.06 the shorted me but now it is about all the rest of the problems I’ve had with them. Short of making a road trip, I’d like to know if you had luck reaching them. If so how did you do it and if you have a number, I’d be grateful.
I spoke with someone once at the Corporate Office, but the next time I tried to reach him, my call was redirected to Customer Support and I was told the number that I called I was no longer going to get through to anyone except customer support from that number from now on.
Door Dash Lied on my name, I will be contacting their head office about it, The refused to allow me to reactivate my account, But with my other ligit credentials, have been the brunt end of their Dashers for too many times it’s a wrap and they had no answer for me was hung up on they have ran this co. into the ground I want no parts of it! Their lost at the end of the day Not Good!
4 times I have had the doordash app mess up and today, confirmed an order on a card I didn’t want to use which made my back acct in the rears. I called 2 seconds after to try and cancel it, because their app didn’t let me choose a different form of payment. I called and after an hour and half they said I will get a refund in 3 business days, for THEIR MISTAKE. I wan’t a lousy bowl of ice cream and they charge double the amount for the delivery and wouldn’t let me change the payment source. . Kept getting out of country people sounding like robots and told I had to wait for a refund that their stupid app messed up. Why am I waiting when I called 2 seconds in. 5 times I called in and kept getting no where. Hmmmm…..
I can’t get my 1099 from doordash and Noone seems to be able to help ! I’ve waited 2 weeks for a supervisor to call me! And I get a generic email sent that doesn’t help!
I have been in the same boat since December. I was deactivated for no reason, none was ever provided to me, countless emails and calls and nothing. They lie by saying a supervisor will call but I now know better its only to get you off th phone. I have been asking for copies of the recorded calls I have made and even went as far as recording them myself and I let them know I am recording also. A multi billion dollar company with customer service reps that don’t know what they are doing. Unfortunately until a law firm gets involved they will continue to screw over customers and dashers
Have you seen the YouTube video where the chick tries to scam the door dash driver? She got her food, sent a message to door dash saying she didn’t het it. The driver went to the hospital where this chick worked and she confessed she got her food. She then called door dash and told them she did get the food but he threatened her. I watched the video twice and there was no threatening. She was mad she got caught stealing. He got fired because door dash took the word of a liar and a thief. My wife and all four of our kids canceled their door dash accounts.
Wow I just saw all this on doordash and I wouldn’t have seen it but got deactivated for cancelin g an order for no reason and I never did that but they let me go without any reason it seems like you bend over backwards to help people and you have people saying they didn’t get an order when you hand it to them I had a great record there but they still let me go
I Am so sick of dealing with tech support in India. The only thing they can do well is steal and scam. I hate to say that like that because I know a few that are good honest people.people should start boycotting companies that use them. Problem solved
I agree Kan. Today I got an order to deliver from KFC. It had a zip code of 29577. Got to location and it was a Law Firm not a KFC. Call foreign support and was told restaurant verified address was correct. Googled KFC and zip code was supposed to be 29575. Support unassigned me the order. Agent said I would be paid my hourly rate. Pay did not show up and called support again and was told since I was unassigned, I would not get paid and confirmed by supervisor. I lost $12.00 on that order. 24 miles round trip plus gas.
I have called support over and over and over and over and over again since the minute it happened. I keep getting told the call will be escalated with a few actual phone call interviews scheduled, but no one ever called. I really want to know what story that man made up to cover for him sticking a gun in my face. Do you guys realize you’re “firing” an innocent worker and letting the madman off scott free? I’m not sure if another message here will help any but… First, I’d like to add that this man escalated a delivery of pampers straight to manslauter in a period of like 90 seconds. That’s my total time since I opened my door and later got back in the car with a gun pointed at my head. I made a joke about house numbers like I do with so many people, which always winds up humor until now. He instantly blew up with a tirade of insults all about how stupid I am and what not. I got to speak long enough to say that the house numbers are in the pitch blackness over in the damn bushes at this rural home location. He got directly 2″ from my face after that. I don’t know street fighter tactics, so I turned to go to my car. He followed right behind me telling me to get off his property. I had just gotten there, and I wouldn’t have still been there had he not been so ridiculous acting. I get around my car door and realized he had followed me all the way out and was standing there on the other side of my door. I realized I had turned my back on this guy and that was not a good idea. I asked what his problem was since now followed me to the driveway entrance. As soon as I did that, he started yelling about protecting his family as he pulled his pistol out, chambered a round, and pointed it directly at my face. No one threatened him or his family. He was looking for an excuse to shoot somebody. I would explain why he would say that outloud and in texts, but I can’t talk to a doordash human, outside of the Philippines, to help with this very serious situation. The main question that anyone working on this would be to ask why I would have done anything this guy claims. That question simply involves “WHY”. Having over 3k deliveries and rating of 4.93, wouldn’t you think I’d know that the worst thing one could, or even would do, is threaten a customer and it would very likely wind up with deactivation? I rely heavily on this income and I don’t attack customers. So, WHY would I threaten him or his family? Again, I delivered pampers. HOW or WHY would I abuse anyone? (or whatever crap he made up). I wasn’t really there long enough. I did text him a couple times while I waited for the police. I was trying to get him to slip up about the gun and why it was in my face over pampers. The man was out to start trouble from the get-go. The second “WHY” would be to ask WHY would a man black out his house and driveway, then strap on a pistol to go outside to get some pampers? Can anyone think a little to answer those two very important “WHYS”?…
Trust me, you are not alone. I am a doordash driver an the company ignors ands deceives the drivers on a regular basis. Their deceptive practices destroy a drivers rating. I have been going through the same ordeal trying to get anyone there to even PRETEND to care.I pride myself in providing the customer the best possible service i can, but doordash undermines the driver at every possible opportunity
I also dash for them and lately I’ve been trying to get $39.95 to some cable company that I never heard of, I changed my dasher direct card and notified them about the transaction the same day. Been calling them for two weeks and am told that I cannot get the money back after 10 days of transaction. The person on the phone is rude, will not let me speak and hangs up on me, I keep calling and I guess the number is on their black list, it seems, no one answers. So I’m out $39.95 and they will not refund the money.
Doordash is deplorable. The rep at doordash canceled my order because had three different drivers were assigned to pick up my food and not one did. I eas never informed by doordash that I would not receive a refund. I contacted them requesting a call back and never got one
I have been trying to reach out to someone with your company about the deplorable service you provide in my area and in reaching out to your agents at the 800 numbers. I have had multiple orders that have arrived late, missing items, and delivered to the wrong house and have had to fight world war 3 for a credit or a refund. The most recent was and order that was supposed to be redelivered as your driver took it to someone else house, and the redeliver was never processed. There was no update from door dash that the redeliver could not be completed, I had to call over an HOUR after it was promised and the manager that I was escalated to, said he could not do anything, it was being investigated etc.. (even thought the picture sent by the driver showed it was left at the wrong address) and he said I would receive a call back in 24-48 hours. I never have received a call back ever when I have requested it, and surprise, I never did get a call back. long story short, 17 days later, and multiple calls, your agent said she would process the refund and a credit for $5.00. I asked the agent for a number to call to reach out the corporate offices so you all could take a look at your standards in this area, and she sent me to the 800-customer service #. As a leading force in this industry, do you want to be perceived as, liars, cheats, and thieves without an ounce of customer service in a service based industry? I would like to know why in all of the times that I have requested a follow up so I could relay my experiences, I have never gotten a response. Do you take pride in providing late deliveries, cold deliveries, missing items and delivered to wrong houses? This is not isolated and this needs to be addressed, and when your agents and managers promise to follow up, customers that pay your company wages should be followed up with, not lied to, provided wrong information, and refunds refused. This is disgraceful on the part of door dash to have such disdain and lack of concern for your customers.
Trust me I am having the exact same issue and it’s frustrating.
Same here, app says completed but no food twice this week and I’m freaking handicapped !!!!!!
Same issues! Door dash are crooks!!!
I live in Ohio and ordered from Giant Eagle and they use Door Dash to deliver it. This order HGKSUP3LRN, from 2/1/24, was picked up by some guy with the number 201-462-3980.
After about 5 drops before, he finally picked up my groceries, he didn’t deliver to me though. After dropping a few more orders he delivered mine to the wrong address.
Why do you allow your drivers to take multuple deliveries? They so don’t deliver well!
So I called the driver, had to proove, over the phone, that I actually did not get the groceries He drove back, got them and delivered them. I dont know how he got in but suddenly there was a tap at my door. Of course HE wasn’t there, just the groceries.
Not once was an apology offered. So I called customer service, a very loose term, and after explaining to someone I could not understand, I was put on hold (during which my groceries where delivered) and then dumped on my Giant Eagle. Why? What could they do? I had no idea why I was dumped on Giant Eagle. So I called back and demanded a SUPERVISOR. The female who answered, again someone I couldn’t understand, kept asking questions and I would just answer “SUPERVISOR”. Finally, after about 5 minutes, she also put me on hold. This lasted about 10 mins, over 2 loops of that awful on hold musack. Then she came back on, said something and quickly hung up. Trust me, I expressed my delight in the survey. I’m also not holding my breath on a call from a supervisor.